The Galloway Way
We work with owners and trainers who share in our values of giving the best possible care to racehorses.
For a copy of our fees brochure, or to discuss your specific needs for your horses and how we can help you, please contact Carmen.
Scroll down to explore the Galloway way.

Long term boarding
Permanent residents live a life of luxury in their purpose built, well-equipped stables and mature paddocks.
They are bred, foaled and cared for, for the duration of their breeding life and beyond. Our dedicated and knowledgeable team of stud hands ensure the daily care and health of all horses on site.
Those who choose to keep their stock with us on a longer basis benefit from preferential rates. Owners are encouraged to visit their horses as often as they wish and are kept up to date with their progress.

Sales preparation
At Galloway Stud we understand that each horse is unique and provide tailor made programmes to each of the horses in our care.
This ensures that it arrives at the sales in the best condition possible. A balance of exercise and correct feeding is vital. We work closely with our farrier and supporting professionals to achieve the optimum results.
Owners are regularly kept up to date with the progress of their horses, throughout the preparation and sale process.
Seasonal breeding & foaling
We also welcome mares for foaling down and boarding for the Northern and Southern hemispheres breeding season and walking out to Newmarket and beyond.
Transport is provided in our own horse box with fully qualified drivers and grooms.
Our vet visits the farm on a regular basis to monitor all reproductive work and is on call 24 hours every day. As an owner you will regularly be kept updated with the progress of your mare and her offspring.

Rest & recuperation
The paddocks at Galloway Stud are a superb option for recuperation as they provide plenty of natural shade and shelter with mature old-fashioned pasture.
We are able to provide an individual programme to suit the needs of your horse, whether on box rest following injury or just taking some time out.
Any instructions given by the trainer and attending vets can be implemented by our team to ensure a speedy and safe recovery.

The Galloway way wouldn't be complete without our stunning range of facilities, all designed with quality care and safety at the heart.